November 7 – Our Lady of the Pond (Dijon, France)

A woman recovers the use of her legs in Lourdes

A little over two years ago, a surgeon told me I would never recover the use of my legs. Last September (in 2015), I went to Lourdes on a pilgrimage with the Lourdes Cancer Hope Center. At the baths, the hospitality staff helped me into the water. There I suddenly felt intense heat from my toes all the way up to my neck. The women who saw me get out of the bath without any help cried out: "It’s a miracle!" I was in tears and realized that I was walking by myself! They placed the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes in my arms, and I kissed her with all my heart. I could not believe what had just happened!

When I went back home, my doctor thought my healing was truly extraordinary. For him, it is definitely a miracle. I eventually wrote to the bishop of my diocese to share my story. God, through the intercession of his Mother, gave me the grace that I had been begging for in my prayers since the beginning of my paralysis.

I think that my husband, who died thirty-one years ago when I was only 38 years old, is protecting me and praying for me. Today I know that the Virgin Mary will never abandon me. I continue to pray to her day and night.

Reine Marie (France)

Healed at the baths of the Shrine of Lourdes in September 2015

Story published in ‘Lourdes, Journal of Graces’, February - March 2016

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