November 1 – All Saints’ Day

“On the feast of All Saints, let us pick up our rosaries”

"Our beautiful France is again partially shutting down. But Life goes on. Its source is the Heart of Jesus, from which flow so many graces of love and reconciliation for those who open themselves to these gifts. October was the month of the Rosary, a beautiful prayer that we address to the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Savior Jesus Christ. Why not pick up our rosaries and meditate on the mysteries of Jesus' life?

On Sunday, November 1, we contemplate the lives of the saints, those brothers and sisters of ours who conformed their lives to the Gospel. They loved God and their neighbor. They drew their strength from God to give themselves to, educate, care, journey with, and bless others. These people are our models. Their lives can inspire us with enthusiasm, love, and renewal. They show us the way to joy in God.

On Monday, November 2, Feast of the Faithful Departed, we pray for our deceased loved ones. This day is relevant to all of us: our hope is that they haven't left us forever, but that their death was only the path to a blissful eternity with God. Therefore, the Church prays insistently that their sins be forgiven, that their faults be not counted against them, and that they accepted the Divine Mercy to be freed and enter into the Glory of Heaven. We have Masses celebrated for them. This is a powerful prayer because it is through the Eucharistic sacrifice that Jesus offers his life to the Father to save us."


+ Philippe Christory, Bishop of Chartres

August 27, 2021


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