July 16 – Our Lady of Mount Carmel

"Do not be deceived by the words of the evil one"

Our Lady has been appearing to Gisella Cardia, a young woman from Trevignano Romano, Italy, who bears the stigmata, since 2016. Here, a statuette of Mary brought back from Medjugorje has wept tears of blood, like in Akita, Japan (1973) and Civitavecchia (Italy, 1995). Another lachrymation happened with an image of Jesus The Divine Mercy in the house of the visionary.

The messages Gisella received from God the Father, Jesus and the Virgin Mary allude to:

- a new disease would emerge from China (message of September 28, 2019)

- the imminence of the Warning or Illumination of Conscience (message similar to other apparitions, like Garabandal, Spain, and visionaries such as Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Pedro Regis and Sulema).

- a crisis in the Church due to a campaign of desacralization attacking faith in the Real Presence in the Eucharist

- a worldwide spiritual renewal

Here are some recent messages Gisella received from Our Lady:

"Children, this is the great test of Faith. I say to you, as Mother of my children priests, always be obedient to the Church, but be on your guard, for when the Consecration of the Eucharist disappears, so will my Son, the Lord Jesus. Know that your true Faith will be rewarded because I will protect you. You are there - the foretold times are coming to your door; new diseases will come where cures will be difficult to find." (January 28, 2020).

"My children, do not be afraid of the times that are coming: as long as you are faithful to Him, nothing can trouble you. My children, conversion is urgent because time is running out; do not be attracted by the things of the world because soon you will be stripped of everything, but you will be able to have joy and serenity only with the help of God. My children, do not let yourselves be deceived by the words of the evil one who finds easy solutions for you, but that are dangerous for your soul." (April 6, 2021)

The diocesan bishop remains cautious but has authorized the faithful to go to Gisella's house to pray in a special chapel set up for visitors.

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