March 26 – Sinaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

God surrendered himself completely to Mary

How did God become a man? By totally surrendering himself to a woman, by taking flesh from the flesh of the Virgin Mary, God gave himself totally to her. And Mary completely offered herself up to the Father’s will.

If we too want to enter into the mystery of this covenant, of the transformation of our whole being in God, which is our vocation as Christians, we must do the same. It is by giving ourselves completely to God that he can take possession of our whole being and that we can become participants in the divine nature.

This total gift that Jesus Christ made on the day of his incarnation is the "I am all yours," Saint John Paul's totus tuus and Saint Louis de Montfort's before him. Jesus, the Word of God, gave himself completely to the Virgin Mary: totus tuus. This is how he became a man. St Louis de Montfort, who perceived the simplicity of God, said that we must do the same. To go to God, we have to take the same path he took to reach us. It is at once the easiest and safest way. It is by giving ourselves totally to Mary—totus tuus—that we welcome the mystery of the incarnation into us.

The mystery of the consecration to Jesus through Mary, which we shorten by “consecration to Mary,” is this total gift of ourselves in the image of the total gift that the Word of God made to the Virgin Mary by becoming man. God became man so that man could become God. Since God became man in Mary, it is also in Mary that we can become God by letting ourselves be steered by the action of the Holy Spirit through her.

Father Maire

Homily on the Annunciation and the Consecration to Jesus, March 23, 2015

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