July 2 – Our Lady of Piat (Philippines)

Chartres Cathedral displayed the relic of Mary’s veil during the pandemic

On March 25, 2020, the feast day of the Annunciation, many parishes in France and throughout the world celebrated the Blessed Virgin in a very special way and turned to her in prayer.

In Chartres (northern France), the faithful were reminded that in 1832, a cholera epidemic had claimed 160 victims in the city in just a few days. The bishop of the time, Bishop Clausel de Montals, ordered a procession on August 26th of that year. The veil of the Blessed Virgin was carried through the streets, and after that no more people died, except for two patients who had publicly derided this act of trust.

During this pandemic, the people of Chartres have been invoking the protection of the Blessed Virgin again, by exposing the reliquary of her veil on the threshold of the Cathedral on the day of the Annunciation to Mary.

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