December 25 – Christmas Day

Lullaby of the Mother God

My God who sleeps as a fragile babe in my arms,

my Child so warm against my beating heart,

I adore Him in my hands, and gently rock Him, filled with awe 

the Wonder, O God, that You gave me.

I had no son, O my God, ...

But you, Almighty, gave Him to me.

A mouth, O my God, you had none,

to talk to the lost people of this world. …

O my Son, I have given You one.

A hand, O my God, You had none

to heal their poor, weary bodies by the touch of Your finger. …

O my Son, I have given You one.

Flesh, O my God, You had none,

to break with them their daily bread …

And that, O my Son, I have given to You as well.

Marie Noël (1883-1967), French poetess

Excerpt from the poem Lullaby of the Mother God Marie de Nazareth

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