August 27 - Saint Monica, mother of Saint Augustine (d. 387) – Our Lady of Quézac (France)

Mary’s heart, our model in future tribulations

One might think that a third millennium-Christian, through the treasure accumulated by centuries of tradition, would know more about the Cross than the Virgin of Holy Saturday. That would be a mistake. The secret of wisdom contained in the Cross is given only to loving hearts. Only similar hearts can know the other. Only love can understand the height, the width, and the depth of the Cross. The Cross entrusts its secrets only to its lovers, that is, to those who are animated by the same dispositions that led Jesus to accept and endure it. The Blessed Virgin, full of wisdom as well as affection, is one of those people.

The Heart of Mary is the intelligent heart that King Solomon had asked of the Most High. Like her Son, she accepted the Cross out of love for Jesus’ brothers and sisters. Her "yes" was all the more fervent that she remained attentive to the Spirit, who was gradually enlightening her about the consequences, crucial and unprecedented for the human race, of this sign of contradiction—without prejudice to her faith (she still had to act in darkness)—and to her merit of accepting God's will at such a time. Mary is therefore able to initiate us into the secrets of the Wisdom of the Cross, which are not given to the lukewarm or the curious or the amateurish.

The Immaculate Heart of Mary is such because it knows the difference between divine words and inconsistent, idle or unseemly words. One ends up becoming what one listens to. Cult leaders know this. The Blessed Virgin has an immaculate Heart because she enjoys the company of God and savors—as it should be—the words that come out of His mouth.

Jean-Michel Castaing

Adapted from: Aleteia

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