August 23 - Estelle Faguette, seer of Pellevoisin (France, d. 1929)

A holy sheet spread over her and she came back to life!

On August 23, 1994, near the Greek port city of Thessaloniki, a man and a woman, both doctors (he a pediatrician, she a dentist), were swimming with their 9-year-old daughter, Calliopi, when the girl was pulled under the water by a riptide and drowned. She was taken to a hospital where she was declared dead.

The father, a devout man, telephoned a monk friend at an Orthodox monastery to tell him the tragic news and to ask for prayers. The higumene (abbot) told the father to hope in the Mercy of God and promised to immediately send a holy linen sheet that had been used to hold the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Andros during the procession on her feast day. The child’s father said it was too late, but he would gladly accept this precious gift. He would use it as a shroud and lay it over his daughter’s body so that the Mother of God would take his child with her to Heaven.

When the holy sheet arrived, Calliopi had been dead for almost 9 hours. They covered her lifeless body with it …and the girl came back to life! The doctors warned the parents that since she had been dead for so long she would certainly have brain damage. They gave the parents a bag full of medicine for the child when she left the hospital.

In the car, on their way home, the father prayed to the Mother of God, telling her that since she had brought her little girl back from the dead, she could also make sure that she would have no after-effects from the accident. He opened the window of his car and threw the medicine out the window. Calliopi came out of this adventure without any damage. She was the best student in her class.

On July 25, 1995, Calliopi went with her parents to the Monastery of Saint Nicholas of Andros where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Root of Jesse" is located to give thanks.

Adapted from an article by Claude Lopez-Ginisty Blogspot

According to the testimony of the Higumene Dorotheus of Saint Nicholas of Andros

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