September 27 – Our Lady of Girolamo Emiliani (Italy, 1511) - Saint Vincent de Paul (d. 1660)

The Rosary made him late… and saved many lives!

In 1932, my grandfather worked as a slate mason in a German mine near Luxembourg. Every morning he would go to work on foot, while reciting his Rosary. At that time there were no buses yet. The trip took half an hour one way, so he used this time to pray.

One morning, after walking a big part of the way, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten his rosary. He considered what to do: Should he continue walking or go back to pick it up? He made up his mind and ran back home, then ran to work. He nevertheless ended up being 10 minutes late for work. His workmates had to wait for him because as the head of the team he had the keys to the gate. Together, they started for the mine.

Just as they were about to go down, they heard a sound similar to distant thunder. The men looked at each other, seized with a great fear: something must have collapsed! Part of the mountain had crumbled down. Thank God, there were no miners inside the mine! After a first inspection, they discovered that huge rocks had come loose inside and obstructed several galleries...

If my grandfather had not been late on that day, many workers would have perished in this disaster, including him! All recognized the protection of God and the Blessed Virgin in this event. When he got home, my grandfather told me the news, and I was thoroughly shocked.

Since then, the Rosary has been honored in our family. We should never forget that it has saved us from many misfortunes.

Inge Kowalski, in "Retendes Gottes volk"

Collected by Fr. Albert Pfleger, Marist, for the Collection of Marian Stories.

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