April 3 – Our Lady of the Cross (Italy, 1490)

In 1968, the Virgin appeared in Egypt (II)

During the apparitions of the Mother of God in Zeitoun, the faithful, some of whom couldn’t see her, noticed that she was always gentle, often smiling, but occasionally serious and sad. They could sometimes clearly see her features and even the expressions on her face.

At least once, she appeared without a veil, her hair falling over her shoulders. Once she even appeared wearing a wreath on her head, and there were often bright birds circling around her without flapping their wings. She was almost always luminous, and at times the light was so intense that it took some time for people’s eyes to adjust and see her face.

Many took photographs of the apparition. Some did not capture it well, but there still exist photographs where the silhouette of Mary is quite clear. It is estimated that in the year 1968 alone, the average crowd numbered about 50,000, and this number would reach 100,000 on some nights, according to the front lines of the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram of April 27, 1968.

Father François Brune

In La Vierge de l’Egypte : l’incroyable apparition de Marie à des millions d’Egyptiens 

Edition « Le jardin des Livres – Références » 

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