March 12 – Our Lady of the Elm (Italy, 1610)

She called on the Blessed Virgin with all her might

Forcibly assimilated to the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) in August 1940, Lithuania (Northwest Europe) regained its freedom on September 6, 1991.

In the 1970s (still under the Soviet yoke), a certain Mrs. R. smuggled consecrated hosts into Lithuania. One day she went through a body search. The police found an unusually long Rosary on her.

Seized with fear, she called on the Blessed Virgin with all her might to come to her rescue. The woman who searched her saw the pouch attached to her skin. She opened it and asked in surprise: “Tchto eto?” (What is it?) She answered, “Eto Chrystos ” (It's Christ). Something really unexpected then happened—the other woman bowed her head and opened her hands in a gesture of prayer! And without saying anything, she let Mrs. R. go on her way.

And as for the extra-long Rosary, three officers of the K.G.B. (the Soviet political police) examined it for a long time, and finally returned it to her as a worthless object.

André Martin, author

This true story is taken from the book Lituanie, terre de foi, terre des croix (Lithuania, Land of Faith, Land of the Cross), published in 1976

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