July 4 – The Virgin of the Star (Italy, 1628)

After the devastating fire of Notre Dame, the statue of Mary was left intact

Around 11:30 pm, the cathedral was open. I entered through the portico, not venturing too far in of course. I was amazed to find that the statue of the Virgin Mary was still there, although part of the vault of the nave near the choir had collapsed. What a shock! It was apocalyptic, with debris lying everywhere. Everything was broken around her, but in the midst of all the destruction, the Virgin was still there, on her pillar, not at all damaged, along with the pieta and the glorious Cross installed by Cardinal Lustiger... Like them, the famous statue of the Virgin at the foot of the pillar had not been damaged!

Second miracle: other treasures were spared. Christ’s crown of thorns acquired by Saint Louis and part of the cathedral treasure were transported to the Louvre in the morning after the fire. I think Our Lady will always stay at Notre Dame...

Bishop Patrick Chauvet, Rector of Notre Dame Cathedral, which lost its roof and spire in a fire on Monday, April 15, 2019.

Paris Match

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