June 26 – Our Lady of Consolation (Rome, Italy, 1470)

The young man went in person to thank Mary

In Cannes (French Riviera), in the year 1639, the 15-year-old son of the city’s surgeon, Jacques Arluc, had a stroke that left him blind and basically unresponsive. For three days, the boy ran a very high fever and was expected to die.

After three days, his desperate father got on his knees to implore the intercession of the Virgin Mary, who had appeared in the region four years before in Bargemon (Var department). He prayed ardently to Our Lady of Bargemon, confident that she would grant a miracle, and promised her to bring his son to her shrine if he recovered.

Before he had finished praying, the fever left the boy. He became conscious again, and able to talk and see. A few days later he was fully recovered, and both father and son went in person to Bargemon to give thanks to the Virgin Mary.

From Le Trésor inconnu (The Unknown Treasure), by Brother Raphael, Editions Bénédictines, p.53 

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