June 23 – Corpus Christi (Feast of the Blessed Sacrament) - Madonna del Ardesio (Italy, 1607)

Mary, the original root cause of the Eucharist

We invoke Mary under the title of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, because Mary is the Mother of the Savior, who lives in the Eucharist. Mary is the sovereign dispenser of this Sacrament and the graces it contains. By being the first to have practiced the duties of the Eucharistic life, Mary teaches us, by her example, to attend Mass, to receive Holy Communion properly, and to visit the Blessed Sacrament often and with great devotion. We should adore Our Lord in the company of the Blessed Virgin! I do not say: “Dwell in her.” No, Jesus is there before you so that you should speak directly to him; but do it with Mary ... By doing this, you will discover the perfect union of these two hearts, that of Jesus and that of Mary, lost in one love and one life.

- Saint Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868), missionary of the Most Holy Eucharist

Mary is the original root cause of the Eucharist. Our love is satisfied, for when we receive the body of Jesus, we receive the substance of Mary, who is its first foundation. Father de Machault, both learned and devout, started from these principles to tell us, in his ardent faith, that the Eucharist is the most authentic and precious relic of Mary the earth possesses.

Jesus is the flower that blossoms on the stem of Jesse. If you want to pick this blessed flower, bend your prayers to the branch that bears it, and seek Jesus Eucharist only upon the virginal breast of Mary.

- Saint Bonaventure

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