January 22 – Our Lady of Ceignac (France, 1516) – Death of Venerable Claire de Castelbajac (1975)

Marches and Rosaries for Life

Here is a follow-up on the Rosary for Life held on November 3, 2018, in Strasbourg, France, organized by the association SOS Babies (SOS Tout-Petits):

During the weekend of All Saints’ Day, there were only 12 of us who participated in the Rosary for Life on November 3rd. But we were happy to know that other groups in Alsace were praying in union with us. Dr. Piloquet, President of SOS Babies, told us that our prayers must flood Heaven for all those who are involved in the voluntary destruction of innocent lives.

Some are unsure about the importance of publicly witnessing to the value of human life and our faith, but an encounter proved us right. During the event, we had to kindly ask a group of young people to turn off their loud music – they had speakers playing rap music – as we explained to them that we were praying. They stopped their music right away, wanting to show us some respect. Then, like many other passersby, they watched and listened to our prayer and meditations.

And in September, a woman who just happened to pass by joined our Rosary. Praying is a natural act because human beings have a spiritual dimension—there is therefore no reason to confine prayer only to churches!

It is through the birth of his Son, the fruit of Mary's womb, that God offers salvation and redemption to all humanity. Let us not be afraid—he will help us to deny ourselves and turn more towards him! Until then, let us not forget to associate to our prayers the countless babies in Heaven, because their prayers are very effective.

Dr. Piloquet and the team of SOS Babies (Tout-Petits)

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