August 22 – Queenship of Mary

The Queen chosen by God Himself

She is, by her immaculate purity, the Queen chosen by God himself, the beloved Queen of Angels, who, from the heights of Heaven, reigns over the whole universe of souls and worlds.

By her title of "Mother of God," she is the Queen of Doctors. By the strength of her soul, she is the Queen of Martyrs. By her justice and love, she is the Queen of all saints and predestined souls.

Filled from the first moment with the radiant and vivifying light of the Word, awakened by her ardent faith, her loving and pure virgin soul entered into a vision—infinitely deeper and more divine than that of the Cherubim and Seraphim—of the unfathomable mystery of Christ, of whom she was called to become the virgin and unblemished Mother.

She is the most loving and beloved soul of the Father after Jesus—and therefore the most magnificently filled with divine favors. Next to her, all the angels and all the saints together represent almost nothing—so to speak- for her sovereign presence fills the heavens and the earth."

Marthe Robin

Prends ma vie, Seigneur, (Lord Take My Life), Father Peyret, 1988

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