March 13 – Our Lady of the Roses (Italy, 1635)

"Jesus came to me in a dream"

The number of Christians of Muslim origin is increasing in major Iranian cities. Daniel Shayesteh, a former Muslim who converted to Christianity, gave the following interview to Aide aux Eglises dans le Monde (AEM – Aid to Churches around the World):

"At first, under Ayatollah Khomeini, all the top-ranking leaders were united... We wanted to become the strongest Muslim power in the world and promote Islam as a sole and global religion. Shortly after the revolution, discord broke out among the leaders. I was one of the founders of the Revolutionary Guards, also known as Hezbollah in Iran. But I did not stay long because of disagreement with the government.

I went to prison under Khomeini. There were five of us in our cell and four were killed. Some of my old friends, who were in the government at the time, helped with my release. I was then able to leave Iran. Having fled to Turkey, I decided to finish my PhD at Istanbul University.

This gave me a chance to compare the world's most important cultures, religions and philosophies. I was amazed by Christian values in all areas of life. I compared them to what I had learned and was surprised to discover that in the West the real reason for social, economic and leadership development is found in the Bible.

Later, Jesus came to me in a dream... I read the Gospels twice, and then gave my heart to Jesus Christ."

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