March 8 - Saint John of God (d. 1550)

The Virgin Mary creates a "buzz" on the net!

The search engine Google has published its ranking of the most looked up French definitions on the Web: Oligarchy, ergonomist, regal, PMA and Assumption are, in this order, the five words, or acronyms, whose definitions were the most searched during the last 12 months, in the year 2017.

Note that the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is in excellent position, ranking #5! This gave Google the opportunity to explain to its users - via Wikipedia - the dogma of the Assumption: "The Assumption of Mary is the orthodox and catholic religious belief that the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, did not die like everyone else, but entered directly into the glory of God (or "ascended to heaven").

We are glad of this (unexpected but real) opportunity for Marian evangelization!

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