June 24 – Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (1st century)

With Mary, enemies become brothers

On June 24, 1187, when the Duchy of Aquitaine in southwestern France was being disputed between France and England, Our Lady of Miracles of Déols (Val-de-Loire) intervened. After all peace efforts had failed, the King of France had decided to go into battle to put an end to the long war.

The population of Déols feared for their safety, and prostrated themselves before the image of the Virgin Mary to beg her to prevent bloodshed. While they were praying, the two armies were facing each other, in battle array. The signal for the start of the battle was about to ring when suddenly, the King of England came forward with his son and asked to speak to Philip Augustus. He then declared that he accepted the conditions laid out in the preceding negotiations, and the peace treaty was signed.

There was a general reaction of astonishment among kings, lords, the people and soldiers, as all recognized this sudden change of disposition right before the battle to be a miracle. The same sentiment of gratitude for this miracle brought them together before the image of the Virgin, to bless her. The former enemies were no more. French and English, all formed one family of brothers with their shared Mother who protected them and saved them from death.

Chronicles of Déols (Chroniques de Déols)

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