June 22 - Proclamation of the dogma of Mary Mother of God in Ephesus (431)

A spiritual weapon and a rose given to Mary

Brother Daniel Klimek, a Franciscan tertiary, during a lecture in Steubenville, Ohio, USA, said that the Rosary is a unique gift that offers both effective spiritual protection against evil and a means of honoring the Virgin Mary by presenting her with spiritual roses.

“Wars and bloody crimes have been stopped through the spiritual weapon of the Rosary,” Klimek said. “If you’re facing a spiritual enemy, then you better be using a spiritual weapon.”

However, the Rosary is not just a spiritual sword, said Klimek. He said that praying the Rosary is also an act of intimacy with the Virgin Mary; each Hail Mary prayed is like presenting her with a rose as a sign of our love for her.

Adapted from an article by Elisha Valledares-Cormier

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