July 12 – Apparitions of Myriam, the Immaculate Mother of Jesus to Sebastian Fausto de Faria in Natividade, Brazil, in 1968 (Approved apparition)

Like Mary, accepting Christ in our lives

Everyone is asked the question of the birth of God in us. At every moment the Angel calls us, observes that the Lord is with us and that he loves us as we are, whatever we have done in the past. But it does not stop here.

God also blesses the fruits of our womb, our productions, our creations. The most extraordinary thing in the world is that man participates in divine creation. The greatest blasphemy and cause of misfortune is to prevent the force of individual creation from becoming a reality.

If we answer "yes" to God’s invitation, he will let what we possess in germ grow; he will increase in us, come close to the most intimate part of our being, bring forth our true personality which is hidden under the masks and wounds that life in this world imposes on us. For our true self is like a seed deeply buried within ourselves. 

By accepting Christ in our lives, as Mary did, we allow him to act and develop a mode of existence that is no longer confined to our temporal world but is already written in eternity.

Translated from the French – Source: Aleteia

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