November 19 – Feast of Mary Seyom (Church of Ethiopia) – Our Lady of the Good News

Loving the Marian Church (II)

The Marian Church stands at the foot of the Cross. She doesn’t run for her life and hide in safety inside a fortress or a chapel, or shroud herself in prudent silence when people are overcome by suffering. She exposes herself to danger, through her actions and her words. With humble courage she stands alongside the lowliest.

The Marian Church lets in the breeze of Pentecost, the gentle wind that encourages us to go out and loosens our tongues. She speaks up in the public square. But not in order to hammer doctrines or swell her ranks. She proclaims that the promise has been fulfilled, that the fight has been won, and that the Dragon has been vanquished forever. But here's the big secret that she can only whisper: to win the victory, God laid down his arms ...

Every night at the end of Vespers, the Church sings the Magnificat. That is because the Church knows where her joy lies ... At the foot of the Cross, a Marian nation was born. "Seeing his mother, and beside her the disciple he loved, Jesus said to his mother: ‘Woman, behold your son.’ Then he said to the disciple: ‘Behold your mother.’ From that hour the disciple took her into his home."

François Marc, Marist


Excerpt from Pour une Eglise mariale (For a Marian Church), published in La Croix, May 11, 1996 issue

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