November 16 – Our Lady of Ostra Brama (Poland and Lithuania)

The only church in the world dedicated to the repose of the Souls in Purgatory

Montligeon, in France, is the only church in the world dedicated to Our Lady of the repose of the souls in Purgatory. It owes its creation to Father Paul Buguet, born in 1843. The idea to pray for the souls of Purgatory was inspired by the Virgin Mary herself who, in May 1884, asked that priest to build a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of the Deceased.

A basilica was begun in 1896 and completed in 1911. Today, people can inscribe the name of their loved ones in a registry so they will be remembered in perpetual masses, which constitute a great help for their deliverance.

The Basilica of Montligeon is very large and stands out strikingly in the countryside. It is surmounted by spires visible from a distance above the small town of La Chapelle-Montligeon. It was raised to the status of minor basilica on August 29, 1928 under the title of Our Lady Liberatrix.

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