May 4 - Pius XII established the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1944)

The Millennium Anniversary of the Baptism of Poland (II)

In 1976, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla was invited by Pope Paul VI to preach the annual Lenten Retreat for Lent for the Pope and his closest aids in Rome. He spoke about the extraordinary times in which we live, in reference to the Polish Millennium. "In Poland, people are living the Visitation in a rather particular way because the Mother of God is "going from house to house" in the replica of the Madonna statue of Czestochowa. Mary is traveling around the country, going from diocese to diocese, from parish to parish, on the initiative of priests and the faithful carrying other images of the Mother of God of Jasna Gora. These Visitations are linked to renewal of an authentic spiritual life, after hours of interior preparation, and many all-night vigils. Prayer brings parishioners, families and neighbors closer together." "In this manner, the people of Poland are reenacting the Visitation at Aïn-Karim when Elizabeth greeted Mary, "Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb." She added, "Why should I be honored with a visit from the mother of my Lord?"" This pilgrimage lasted for 25 years, bringing invaluable graces of conversion.

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