November 11 - Our Lady of the Portuguese (1546) - Saint Theodore the Studite (d. 826)

Mary is the New World (II)

Mary is the earth that was not accursed like the first, which was covered in thorns and thistles, but she is the earth on which the Lord's blessing has descended, and her fruit is blessed, just as the divine oracle foretold. Now, in possession of blessed immortality, for the salvation of the world, she raises her hands that carried God... towards God. She is like a pure, white dove, high in flight, up in the heights, yet she does not cease to protect our low country. She left us in body, but in spirit she is with us; she frightens the demons away and is our Mediatrix with God in Heaven. Formerly, death, introduced into the world by Eve, strangled the earth with its cruel empire. Today, death has been expelled. Its defeat came from where it formerly got its power... Blessed Virgin, I see you asleep rather than dead. You were transported from the earth to Heaven, and yet you do not cease to protect mankind... Mother, you remained virgin, because he "was God, the One to whom you gave birth." And this is also what makes your "death" so different from ours--only you--and it is right, have an incorruptible body and soul.

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