April 15 - Our Lady of Kiev (Ukraine)

The Myrrh-Streaming Icon (IV)

Of course, Catholics like icons too. Reproductions of the "Portaitissa" pasted on wooden boards were distributed by the hundreds to Catholic families and Churches in Quebec alone. And the same miracle occurred. The same fragrant oil appeared on many of these reproductions. The miraculous icon, its reproductions and sometimes simply small balls of cotton soaked in the myrrhon oil provide physical cures, but what is more, many souls are also healed, as Soljenitsyne noted. "It is a sign for the poor," said the Blessed Virgin on this subject to the young visionaries in Medjugorje. I, myself, see two more meanings behind this miracle. The first is the confirmation of the close tie that links the Mother of God and the Holy Spirit. Greek liturgy is very clear on this point: it speaks about Panaghia, "the All Holy One" and of Panaghion, the “Spirit of all Holiness”. The other meaning could be that the Mother of God seems to be intervening between Catholics and Orthodox to hasten the reconstruction of Christian unity.

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