April 10 - Our Lady of Laval (France, 1646)

Thank You Again Blessed Virgin

O Holy Trinity, one cannot become weary of admiring the brilliant demonstration of your infinite Greatness, your Wisdom and your Love! ... Our poor human intelligence, left to itself, could never have dreamt of such a Redemption. Our hearts could never have dared to believe in such a Love! ... In the astonishment and the rapture of your light I could admire your unutterable work for eternity, O my Three Loved Ones! ... I cry out “thank you” and I unite myself to all the angels and all the saints - but especially to my so dear and tender mother - because they see and understand what we only know how to stammer. To you, O Jesus, goes all my gratitude, all my recognition and all my love, for your divine Eucharist, the center of all supernatural economy, towards which everything converges and from where Life, in superabundance, is spread. And this Life is everlasting! Thank you again, Blessed Virgin, whose essential “Yes” won for us these sublimes realities!

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