August 22 - Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mary's sovereign presence fills heaven and earth

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"By her immaculate purity, she is the Queen chosen by God himself, the Queen loved by the Angels, who from the heights of Heaven reigns over the whole universe of souls and worlds. 

By her title of "Mother of God", she is the Queen of Doctors. By her fortitude, she is the Queen of martyrs. By her justice and love, she is the Queen of all saints and predestined ones. 

Filled from the very first instant with the radiant, life-giving light of the Word, and fully alert in her ardent faith, her pure, loving virgin soul enters with a gaze infinitely deeper and more divine than that of the Cherubim and Seraphim into the unfathomable mystery of Christ, whose virgin, spotless Mother she will be. 

She is the Father's most loving and beloved soul after Jesus - and therefore the one most magnificently showered with divine favors. With her, all the angels and saints together are as if they were not, for her sovereign presence fills heaven and earth."

Marthe Robin (French Roman Catholic mystic and stigmatist and foundress of the Foyers de charité association, 1902 - 1981)

Quoted in Prends ma vie Seigneur by Fr. Peyret, p 113

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