May 5 – Zeitoun apparitions approved by Cairo Coptic patriach Kyrillos VI (Egypt, 1968)

Mary is part of my life

Mary is the Mother of all children, the good ones and the most difficult alike. Without treating them differently, she wraps them in her loving arms and protects them with her luminous tenderness.

I have been praying to the Virgin Mary for a long time and will continue to do so. In addition to the light she brings, she has always brought me comfort and warmth, in the midst of my chaotic and unusual, but value-filled occupation.

Mary is within me and is part of my life, whatever image or title she is given: Mary of Nazareth in the Basilica of the Annunciation at Nazareth, or Notre Dame de la Garde in Marseille (France), etc. I got a tattoo of her to express my gratitude for her infinite protection that brightens the darkest nights.

She may be invoked as Our Lady of Candelaria, Our Lady of China, Our Lady of Chiquinquirá, Consoler of the Afflicted, the Madonna of Constantinople, or Maryam in Hebrew. Mary is the Mother of all people on this Earth, and fulfills this role with kindness, joy and satisfaction.

I have my faith and beliefs and I respect others’ beliefs. Today, through my verbal witness, my writings, praises and aspirations, I want to proclaim my attachment to the Blessed Virgin who has always been present in my deepest dreams and in the events of my life.  

I look up at the rock where your silhouette stands, represented by a statue of immaculate white marble; the melodious flow of my thoughts is the sincere reflection of my prayers that I resolutely address to you.

You are my divine protection who never ceases to shine in the recesses of my heart without exhausting its warmth.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, it is through your strength and your compassion that this world of ours will shine again with a thousand respectful lights, if people start to listen to your message of peace, acceptance and love.


Former French military officer, marine commando and author of Marius, parcours commando (Nemrod editions 2013)

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