September 3 - Saint Gregory the Great, pope, doctor of the Church (d. 604) - Consecration of Germany to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1954)

Mary was a mountain which rose above all mountains

She was a mountain which rose above all other created height, by the dignity of her election. Was not Mary a lofty mountain, who, that she might be worthy to conceive the Word, was raised above all the choirs of angels and approached the very throne of the Godhead?

Isaiah, foretelling the superexcellent elevation of this mountain, says: And in the last days the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be prepared on the summit of the mountains. It was indeed a mountain on the mountain’s top, because the elevation of Mary shone above that of all the saints.

Pope Saint Gregory the Great (d. 604)

Saint Gregory the Great mystically interpreted Mount Ephraim mentioned in the first book of Kings as the Virgin Mary.

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