May 16 - Saint Simon Stock and the Brown Scapular

Our Lady appeared to him, holding a scapular in her hand

On July 16, 1251, in Cambridge, England, the Virgin Mary appeared to Saint Simon Stock, an early Prior of the Carmelite religious order. The account of this vision has been passed down to us through numerous documents, the oldest going back to the 14th century. We quote from the text given by the Fioretti de Notre Dame du Mont-Carmel:

“Simon, a man of great temperance and devotion to Mary, often prayed to the Virgin, glorious Mother of God, Patron of the Carmelite Order, humbly entreating her to accord a privilege to this Order which bore her name. He said to her in his prayers every day, with heartfelt devotion: Flower of Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Fertile Virgin, One and Only, Sweet Mother, but who has not known man, accord us your favors, Star of the Sea.

One day, Our Lady appeared to him surrounded by a multitude of angels, holding a scapular in her hand.

She said to him: Here is a sign for you and a privilege for all Carmelites: whoever dies wearing this habit shall be saved from eternal fire. And she handed the scapular to him.

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