April 17 – Wednesday of Holy Week – Our Lady of Miracles (Italy, 1555)

The Virgin Mary explained Christ's preference for the poor

Louisa Piccarreta, born in Bari, Italy (1865-1947), was a great Italian mystic whose beatification process was opened on November 20, 1994. She was favored with many visits from Heaven. Below are some words that the Blessed Virgin Mary addressed to her about her union with her Son, in her apostolic life:

My beloved Son, seeing himself rejected by the great and the learned, did not stop there; He could not stop because his love went in pursuit of souls. So He surrounded himself with the poor, the afflicted, the crippled, the lame, the blind, the dumb, and many other creatures with all kinds of diseases, all reflecting so many evils that the human will had caused.

And Jesus healed them all, consoled and instructed them, so that He became the Friend, the Father, the Doctor, and Master of the poor.

My daughter, I can say that it was the poor who welcomed Him—these shepherds who visited Him when He was born—and that it was always the poor who followed Him during the last years of his life, and until his death. Because the poor and the small are also the humblest, the least attached to their judgment, and consequently, the most favored, blessed and beloved of my Son.

Indeed, He chose poor fishermen as disciples and pillars of his future Church.

Father Pablo Martin

Excerpt from Luisa Piccarreta, La reine du Ciel dans le royaume de la Volonté divine sur la terre, 26° jour (The Queen of Heaven in the Realm of Divine Will on the Earth, 26th day). Resiac, Montsur 2000

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