October 14 – Our Lady of the Fountain (Italy, 1320)

Mary asks for "the restoration of the living temples that we are"

According to the testimony of the seer Bernardo Martinez, a humble peasant from the village of Cuapa, Nicaragua, the apparitions of the Virgin began on May 8, 1980.

After going fishing on the river that day, Bernardo came back to wait out the rain and pray under a tree. At 3:00 PM, he saw a flash of light, then "a beautiful, barefoot lady, dressed in white, with a blue belt and a light cream-colored veil with gold embroidery. Rays of light – stronger than the sun – emanated from her hands.

"Where do you come from?" - "I come from Heaven. I am the mother of Jesus." - "What do you want?" - "I want you to pray the Rosary every day ... not only in the month of May. I want it to be prayed continually, within the family … tell the people what you have seen and heard."

The Catholic Church of Nicaragua approved the apparitions (endorsed by Bishop Pablo Antonio Vega, the local bishop, on November 13, 1982).

The first apparition was followed by others: on May 16, 1980, the Virgin Mary encouraged Bernardo to make his messages known: "Do not be afraid. I am going to help you. And tell the priest."

On September 8th, the Virgin appeared as a child: "I saw a little girl, she was so very beautiful! Everything in her radiated light. She looked like Our Lady, but she was a little girl. In this apparition the Virgin Mary asked for ‘the restoration of the living temples that we are’ and insisted on the construction of peace, not raising funds for a new church. ‘Love one another. Forgive one another, make peace; do not just ask for peace, make peace’."

October 13, 1980, was the last apparition of Mary to Bernardo. A few years later, the Our Lady of Cuapa Shrine was built on the site where she appeared.

The Marie de Nazareth Team

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