September 29 - Archangels Saint Michael, Gabriel and Raphaël

She is the queen of the created universe

The angels crowned Mary because she is queen, the queen of all the created universe. She is also the queen of those same angels, who glorify her in their own way, like a diadem. The historical and theological foundation of this Marian kingdom is known: Mary is the mother of the Son of the Most High (Luke 1:32), the mother of the Lord Himself (Luke 1:43), who graciously made her His associate in His royal mission which includes the whole universe, both visible and invisible (John 2:11, 19, 27).

It is important to grasp that the Mother of the Lord is not only an honorary queen, but that her title corresponds to a concrete action on her part: her free and often painful participation in the work of the Redemption brought about by her Son...

We could ask the Queen of Angels to make us more attentive and sensitive to the inspirations of these angelic spirits, beginning of course by our own guardian angel. We could also pray more often to the angels, for they can help us to better love and serve their King and Queen, who are also ours.

Brother Bernard-Marie, o.f.s.

Excerpt from the Bulletin de L'Oeuvre des Campagnes n. 205 - Jan-Feb-Mar 2003.

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