September 24 – Virgin of the Kings, (Canary Islands, Spain, 1546)

Encircling Poland with a human Rosary chain (I)

On October 7, 2017, many people lined up along the borders of Poland will pray the Rosary for Poland and the world, announced Maciej Bodasiński, one of the organizers. This event, called "Rosary at the Borders," has the support of the Polish Bishops' Conference. This year the date of October 7th will coincide with both the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and the 100th anniversary of the end of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima.

Bodasiński explains the purpose of this action: "In Fatima Mary called mankind to pray the Rosary. We want to respond to that call. We feel that the world around us needs help. We want to propose a solution: the Rosary."

The reason goes even further: "Prayer for the land, the city, has its source in the Old Testament. The walls of Jericho fell by the onslaught of prayer. We believe that the faith-filled prayer of a large group of people for a place can transform it. So we want to surround all of Poland with prayer,” says Bodasiński.


Published on June 29, 2017

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