September 20 – Our Lady of Itati (Argentina)

Argentina, a country devoted to Mary

Argentina, like the rest of Latin America, became Marian at the same time that it was converted to the Catholic faith, in the 16th century. The main churches dedicated to Mary are: Our Lady of Lujan in the East, Our Lady of the Valley in the North, and the Virgin of Itati on the coast. But there are many others because Catholic Argentines are particularly devoted to the Virgin, to whom they pray as a Mother.

A large number of Argentine cities bear the name of Mary. Among the most famous are Buenos Aires (the largest), founded in 1535, whose official name is "Ciudad de la Santissima Trinidad y Puerto de Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires," i.e the "City of the most holy Trinity and Port of Mary of the Good Air," and Rosario, the second largest city in Argentina, that takes its name from the Virgin of the Rosary. And there are many more.

Marian devotion is so popular in Argentina that the official institutions of the country as well as private families frequently choose the Mother of Jesus for their particular Patron, following the example of the Navy, the Army, the Air Force, and State administrations.

The Mary of Nazareth Team


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