September 19 – Our Lady Reconciliatrix of Sinners (La Salette, France, 1846)

La Salette is a message of hope

"The wide diffusion of the event of La Salette (Marian apparition in a village of the French Alps in 1846) bears convincing attestation that the message of Mary is not contained solely within the suffering expressed by her tears. The Virgin called for spiritual composure, penance, perseverance in prayer, and especially fidelity in the observance of Sunday. Through the witness of the two children, Melanie and Maximin, the young seers, Mary asked that her message be made known to all her people.

Indeed, the children’s voices were heard. Pilgrims came. There were many conversions. Mary appeared in a light reminiscent of the splendor of a humanity transformed by the Resurrection of Christ. La Salette is a message of hope... sustained by the intercession of her who is the Mother of all peoples. Our alienations are not irreparable. The night of sin surrenders to the light of divine mercy. Human suffering properly accepted can contribute to purification and salvation. The arm of the Son of Mary will not weigh upon, nor condemn, the people who walk humbly in the ways of the Lord. Christ will take the outstretched hand into his own, and lead to new life the sinner reconciled by the grace of the Cross."

Saint John Paul II

Letter to Bishop Louis Dufaux, Bishop of Grenoble, May 6, 1996, for the 150th anniversary of the Apparition of Our Lady at La Salette.

Adapted from: La Sallette

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