September 13 - Saint John Chrysostom (d. 407)

The Pope, Mary, and the Eucharist: three Catholic realities

With May, August, October and in a certain way December, almost a whole third of the year is dedicated to Our Lady. To these months we can add the many feasts celebrating a particular mystery of the Holy Mother of God, and all Saturdays, which are traditionally Marian feasts.

The liturgy tells us about the importance of Mary, through her many titles, engraved in the litanies of the Virgin like an infinite meditation. A contemplation of the names of Mary and her solemnities, which bring to light the most salient mysteries of the humble handmaid, will introduce us into the ineffable depth of the relationship between man and God.

Pope Francis reminded us recently that Mary is inseparable from the Church. This union is reminiscent of the Three White Symbols, the ultimate witnesses of the fidelity of Catholics to the mystery of the Incarnation: The Pope, Mary, and the Eucharist, the three properly Catholic pillars of faith, signs of gratitude and of the unity of our faith.

Source: Infocatho

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