November 27 – The Miraculous Medal (Paris, France, 1830)

Traveling with Mother Mary

I am a student, from the town of Sainte Anne d'Auray, France. This summer I toured Europe’s Marian shrines, hitch-hiking and on foot. Without taking any money, I started my pilgrimage on June 28, 2017, and finished it on July 31, 2017, traveling more than 4,300 miles in 33 days, with the Virgin Mary.

The Virgin carried me through this journey and really educated me, as her child. It was in Brussels that for the first time in my life I saw Mary as truly being my mother and this very loving mother knew how to handle me! Then there was Amsterdam, where I entrusted all the countries of this trip to The Lady of All Nations, and prayed for peace in Europe. In Prague, she allowed me to experience the European Brotherhood that I had been looking for. At Czestochowa she showed me her power again; in Medjugorje, she put my faith in God to the test, and through the divinity of Jesus Christ she obtained the victory for me over the following days.

Mary then crossed the Adriatic Sea and took me to Assisi, then to Rome and then to Spain. She was waiting for me in Lourdes, where she answered my prayer for mercy for all the people I had met! She renewed my joy, she helped me to confess my sins; and she revealed my weakness to me so that I would find strength in God alone. Finally, Mary took me back to her mother's house, at Sainte Anne d'Auray, protecting me from many dangers along the way.

Swann Cimbe-Brianceau

Pilgrim of the Marian Shrines of Europe

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