November 18 – Mary of Chinquinquira (Venezuela)

56 apparitions of Mary to invoke the Holy Spirit in a new way (II)

The Lady of All Nations asked, during an apparition in Amsterdam on February 11, 1951, that her image and prayer (1) be distributed throughout the world, an effort which she called the "Great Global Action.” (October 11, 1953)

The Virgin said: "It is a work of redemption and peace" (April 1, 1951). "This Action does not concern a single country; this Action is for all nations" (October 11, 1953). The Action is already well under way: the prayer has been translated into more than 70 languages, and distributed by the millions of copies on all continents.

Testimonials of the graces obtained from it abound. This image and prayer have proven to be a fantastic tool for the New Evangelization!

The Action was requested in preparation for a new dogma, which is to be the last one, the greatest and the most important (August 15, 1951), called for several times (November 15, 1951, in particular): the "Coronation of the Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ, as Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate" (October 11, 1953).

It is the first time in history that the Virgin Mary asked for a dogma. She specified that she "brings no new doctrine" (April 4, 1954) and warned that this dogma will be the object of a "hard and painful fight" (October 5, 1952). However, "when it is proclaimed, the Lady of All Nations will give Peace, true Peace, to the world" (May 31, 1954). (2)


(1) See A Moment With Mary of November 17, 2017

(2) The official recognition on May 31, 2002, by Bishop Punt (Bishop of Haarlem-Amsterdam, the Netherlands) of the supernatural authenticity of the Amsterdam apparitions does not include the authenticity of all messages. Indeed, the pressing demand to define the "Coredemptor Lady, Mediatrix and Advocate" is still debated in the Church.

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