May 31 - Visitation of the Virgin Mary – Mary Mediatrix

Mary’s perfect faith moves mountains

As soon as Mary received the Word in her womb, she quickly went to see her cousin to be of service to her. Thus every person who hears the Word is moved by one desire: to serve his brethren. Generous service to our neighbor is the best sign of our receptivity to the Word of God. The Virgin of the Visitation gives us a sublime example of this truth.

We can also interpret Mary’s speedy journey through the mountain of Judah in an allegorical and mystical way. Its seems that the Word whom she was now carrying in her made her steps light and airy. She walked in the high country and the Lord gave her the agility of the deer, as the Scriptures say (Ha 3:19).

Her perfect faith moves the mountains (see Mk 11:23). All the messianic joy can be seen in the movements of the Virgin. Before the Messiah present in the womb of Mary, the mountains jump like rams, the hills leap like lambs (Psalm 114: 6). How lovely on the mountains are the feet of the one who carries in her the Good News! (see Isaiah 52: 7). 

The Mary of Nazareth Team

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