May 9 – Our Lady of the Wood (Italy, 1607)

She makes 15 rosaries a day

If the name Paul Kim Tae-Won doesn’t sound familiar to you, it's because you're not a young Korean. He is a pop-rock star and his Youtube channel has over 5 million views. However Paul has another, less well-known activity that has kept him busy for the last ten years—he brings back pearls from the Philippines to his wife, Pauline Lee Hyunioo.

With these pearls, his wife has been making 15 rosaries a day for the last 10 years. These home-made items are sold to fans of the celebrity couple, who donate the profits to organizations that help people with mental disabilities. The two celebrities gave birth to a child with autism, so the issue touches them closely.

These little rosaries have been for Pauline Lee Hyunioo a "path to healing," she says. "I was hurt when other people looked at my handicapped son judgmentally. Then I started distributing the rosaries I made to my neighbors." The patient and repetitive work gradually changed into prayer: "I make these rosaries with the hope that the grace of God will be given to their future owner because God’s grace has no limits." 

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