March 3 – 14th apparition in Lourdes (France, 1858)

“Let us seek what we desire in the fruit of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

In eating the forbidden fruit, Eve broke the image and likeness of God she possessed. In the blessed fruit of her womb, Mary, and with her all Christians, found what Eve was seeking: union with God through Christ and the resemblance of God. Eve sought pleasure and joy, but she found pain and nakedness. In the fruit of the womb of the Virgin, we find grace and salvation: he who eats this fruit will have eternal life.

Eve was after a kind of transitory beauty and she picked a deadly fruit, whereas Mary has given mankind the most beautiful fruit that angels will ever contemplate. He is the most handsome among the sons of men (cf. Ps 44: 3) because He is the splendor of the glory of the Father (Heb 1,3), Jesus, the Lord.

Let us therefore seek what we desire in the fruit of the Blessed Virgin, because it is God’s blessed fruit. The Virgin is blessed, but her fruit, Jesus, is even more blessed." (Saint Thomas Aquinas’ Commentary on the Hail Mary)

Mgr Francesco Follo

The Vatican, December 30, 2016,

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