January 17 – Our Lady of Holy Hope (Pontmain, France, 1871)

The baby pointed and said “Zesus!”

On January 17, 1871, Mary appeared in Pontmain, 40 km from a routed French army after the defeat of Le Mans (a city in western France).

Pontmain was a hamlet with a population of less than 100. On the main square in front of the church from 6:00 to 9:00 pm, on a clear starry night, two children (followed by others) saw a sweet smiling figure above a barn. Every fifteen minutes, more children joined them, as well as some adults (who could not see anything), and even a baby who shouted "Zesus!” as he pointed… Two nuns and the parish pastor, mingled with the fifty witnesses...

During the improvised liturgy, in the biting cold (a Rosary, litanies, Marian hymns, etc.), Our Lady silently unfolded a simple message spread under her feet: "But pray my children, God will answer you in a short time. My Son allows himself to be touched."

Three days later, against all odds, the Prussians turned back and the armistice was signed on the 28th.

Dom Courau


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