January 6 – The Epiphany of the Lord

All the joys of the Promise were gathered in them

The words of the kings and their attendants were very simple and touching. They prostrated themselves and offered their gifts, saying: "We have seen his star. We know that he is the King of all kings. We came to adore Him and offer Him our humble presents, etc. They were all glowing with love, intoxicated with happiness and in their naive and ardent prayers they recommended to the Infant Jesus ... everything that was valuable to them on earth.

They offered all of themselves to the newborn King, their hearts, souls, thoughts and actions ... They were transported with fervor, and tears of joy sprang from their eyes, streaming down their cheeks and their beards. They believed that they themselves were also in that star, to which for thousands of years their ancestors had so faithfully directed their eyes, their hopes and sighs. All the joys of the promise accomplished after so many centuries were present in them.

The Mother of God accepted their gifts with a humble gratitude. At first she remained silent ... Finally, opening her veil a little, she addressed kind words to each of the kings with humility and gratitude.

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich

In Visions, Vol. 1, Chap 25, the Adoration of the Magi

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