February 24 – Our Lady of Verdelais (France) – 8th apparition in Lourdes (1858)

After a decade of the Rosary, things get better!

A priest from Fatima, Portugal, shared this story about an encounter that left a deep impression on him.

“In our house where we welcome overnight guests, I noticed a couple who would go to the chapel of the Apparitions to recite the Rosary, but who never attended Mass. I asked them why. This was their answer:

‘We are Lutherans. We read the Holy Scriptures, but it wasn’t enough for us. We wanted to meditate further on the teachings of the New Testament. By chance, we came across John XXIII’s pamphlet on the Rosary and we found what we were looking for. Now we read passages of the Bible every day, but we also meditate on the great mysteries of the life of Jesus Christ and especially those of the Rosary.’

‘Can’t you meditate without the Rosary?’

‘Sure we can, but with the Rosary, it's easier. Verbal prayer is a walking stick on which one leans when one enters the unknown region of the mysteries. Even when difficulties arise between us, after a decade of the Rosary, things get better! The tension between us turns out to be unimportant next to God’s great mysteries.’”

Petrusblatt - Berlin, October 1968

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