February 1 – Our Lady of Copacabana (Bolivia)

Saint Therese’s “naïve” prayer to the Blessed Virgin

”Speaking of that Blessed Mother, I must tell you of one of my simple ways. Sometimes I find myself saying to her: “Dearest Mother, it seems to me that I am happier than you. I have you for my Mother, and you have no Blessed Virgin to love… It is true, you are the Mother of Jesus, but you have given Him to me; and He, from the Cross, has given you to be our Mother – thus we are richer than you! Long ago, in your humility, you wished to become the little handmaid of the Mother of God; and I – poor little creature – am not your handmaid but your child! You are the Mother of Jesus, and you are also mine!” 

Saint Therese of Lisieux

Excerpt from her letter to her sister Céline dated October 10, 1892

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