December 29 – Our Lady of Flowers (1336)

Let us never forget to go through Mary!

My brothers, the Church reminds us of our duty to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ without which no one can be saved. "For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we might be saved," as the Holy Spirit affirmed through the mouth of Saint Peter (Acts 4:12).

But to do this, let us never forget to go through Mary! "To preach Jesus alone is arid and fruitless work," said Saint Francis Xavier, model and patron of missionaries, "but to preach Jesus with and through Mary," he continues, "is an occupation as fruitful as it is delicious."

Thus "our apostolate will have value only to the extent that our will is in accord with the will of the Immaculate, and through it, with the will of God," Saint Maximilian Kolbe, for his part, explained.

Ask her, my brethren, how you can "help those in spiritual danger": pray to her, love her, hold on to your rosaries, give yourself to Her! Amen. 

Father Jean Baptiste, French Boy Scouts Chaplain,

Sermon for Mission Sunday 2006

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