December 15 – Mary Mediatrix

The evening date where we entrust everything to Mary

The novena to Mary Who Restores Couples helped us out of a very difficult time. We didn’t know how to carry on. We went from one marriage counselor to another without experiencing any real progress, just a sense of disappointment. The distance between us was widening, with the risk of never closing again.

A friend introduced us to this novena. At first we thought, we had already prayed, without any apparent results. But we started it anyway, because deep down, we both wanted to end the deadlock.

Every night, when the children were in bed, we prayed the novena. Gradually, communication between us improved, and, without acknowledging it, we both felt that something was happening. We discovered new ways to deal with our overwhelmingly negative feelings. It was as if our ability to adjust to the other wasn't coming from us.

We still continue to pray together. It's our tether and our life buoy. Our marriage is doing much better now. We know that when there is tension between us, there is the evening date where we entrust everything in Mary."

Testimony send to Life Europe

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