December 1 – Holy Mary of Graces (Italy, 1923)

A new Marian shrine dedicated to married couples

The Church was lacking a shrine dedicated exclusively to marriage, with all its ups and downs; a special place where couples could seek the help of Our Lady when times are hard, and thank her for her protection.

Such is the project initiated by the Institute for the Family in Europe (IFE). To this end, the IFE has commissioned a statue to "Mary who heals couples." At the end of 2017, the statue will be installed at the parish church of Solesmes, a few yards from the well-known French Benedictine abbey in the Sarthe region. Solesmes is an important place of prayer, and now it will become an important formation center for married couples as well.

This new place of prayer for marital spirituality is intended to support the novena to "Mary who restores married couples," which is also an initiative of the Institute for the Family in Europe.

The Mary of Nazareth Team

Source: Karol Wojtyla Institute

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